Poem: Losing Hope

I’m losing hope
and I’m losing it fast
it’s not one of those feelings
that for a long time lasts

I had it once
and now it’s gone
I just do what I do
I don’t know for how long

Hope is rare in this day
in this world oppressive
I suppose I’m learning
I’m not that impressive

No one sees fit
to give me a glance
when I could learn anything
if only I had the chance

I know I’m not happy
I don’t walk around with a smile
is that all it takes
to live in exile

I can’t fake it anymore
it’s awful, exhausting
I can’t put on a mask
every time that I’m talking

I’m not sorry that I see
the world that you don’t
but I’ll speak the truth
when I know that you won’t

And you’ll try your best
to tell me I’m not right
but why not do something
so I can sleep at night

Am I so little
is that why no one cares
not no one but those
with the life giving shares

This is not right
why did you agree
to live under thumb
from where you cannot see

You’re afraid of the truth
well that’s probably why
you’ve got a comfortable life
so fuck this young guy

Well I see it all
and it drains me so
I’m losing hope
not long now to go.

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