Personal Update: Blog Update 5 December 2019

Good morning.

After looking at blog traffic for the month of November, it’s clear that I’m not getting the viewership on my new domain, that I was simply just posting from my domain. I think this is largely due to the Jetpack plugin, which, while providing some increased functionality, most notably the use of plugins, it removes the ability for non-email followers to see what I’ve posted at all. So for over 50 people who followed me, for half the month of November, it probably looked like I wasn’t posting anything.

Now, I’m not sure what people have against following using email, but that isn’t for me to say, you should be able to engage with my content however you want, not how some plugin says you should.

Having looked at the numbers and thought about this a short while, I’ve contacted Jetpack to try to get my followers moved back, since there isn’t an easy way to do that in the direction of FROM self-hosted site TO site. I’m a little nervous that they won’t do it at all without a paid plan, which I simply cannot afford at this time.

However, since posting my most recent poem about an hour ago, I’ve gained a new follower, and 8 likes, so at least I know more people are reading the site than the new domain.

That all being said, I’m going to be publishing my posts to both locations, and periodically inviting readers to visit the self-hosted domain, and subscribe via email. If I am able to gain any sort of financial support for my blog, I may be making changes again, such as exploring paid plans to be able to remove ads, and bring my site closer to the ideal that my self-hosted site was supposed to be.

So if you’re new here, then welcome and thank you for reading. If you’re old here then stay tuned and hopefully you’ll be able to see my content again soon, and if you’re someone who follows me on social media, I suggest using the domain, which is the site linked in daily social media updates

You don’t HAVE to spend money to make money, but apparently that’s what some people want me to do and I’m trying my best to navigate not having to.

Thanks for sticking around 🙂