Poem: Sober October 2019

Open my weighted and crusty eyes
Feel my aching chest swell and rise
I don’t feel okay, I don’t feel alright
Even though I managed to sleep last night

It’s never enough to ease my plight
Breathe, meditate, sleep, yeah right
I slept for hours why do I still hurt
My mind and my feelings stay harsh and curt

Why! I’d like to shout and blurt
Why couldn’t I awake in a far away yurt
Not here in this place where my pain lives
Peace of mind, to me nothing gives

Only distractions that I ought not forgive
Drain these thoughts through a chemical sieve
Poison and gasses to make me choke
A social habit for self controlled folk

I lie here, a sore sober bloke
While others need not shed a self made yolk
I’ll do my best through all of October
For it is this month that I try to stay sober.