Daily Musing: Blogging

So hey there.

I do this time and time and time again where I’ll start writing for my blog for a week or two with ambition and commitment, and then I stop for some reason or another. Either I start a new job, I run out of inspiration, or most commonly, I don’t think anything will come of it.

I write for the sake of my own well-being, but I also write so that people will read it. I think I feel sometimes that no one reads my writing, and that perhaps if no one is reading this, no one will read what I write tomorrow, or the next day.

I’ve tried streaming games on Twitch, to little/no avail. I streamed for six months the last time I was unemployed, joined a community where only one person acknowledged that I was even there. I want a community to manage. I want a group of people who follow what I write and create and who are interested and who want more.

I’m currently running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for a group of friends, and I’m so drawn in and compelled by my story in a way that they don’t seem to be. Obviously they can’t be as excited as I am, I know what’s going to happen, but I wish there were people in the world who were interested in what I have to say, and what’s going on in my mind.

It’s not physically possible to meet every person on earth. There are 7.7 billion people, and if I were to spend, even 1 second meeting all of them, it would take 7.7 billion seconds, or a little over 244 YEARS to meet everyone. With only 1 second, I wouldn’t get to learn very much about them either, which would be the whole point.

I wish we spent less time thinking about our cars, phones, jobs, etc. and more time thinking about all the people who exist. It’s kind of mind boggling how many people there actually are. Who are all these people? Who is the best in the world at X thing? Perhaps we’d discover people with talents, tendencies, knowledge, or other valuable traits and pieces about them that we could do so much more as a race.

That’s part of my motivation for blogging. That someone, somewhere, can get a glimpse of the life of another person. They can get a surface level idea of the way I think, my opinions, interests, and skills.

I’ve said for the longest time that I hate people, and that’s not true. I love people, I just hate how little I know and understand about them. I want to ask so many people so many questions and will never get the opportunity, and I think that’s a critical loss of information that the world isn’t harnessing, or doesn’t even seem aware about.

Blogs are a great way to share information, personal stories, little bits of humanity that someone far away, or someone next door who might never approach me, can read about and learn something from.

I’m making an effort to blog again. I want to be done making excuses not to write, I have SO MUCH I can write about, and in-fact, I’m going to write another post today because it has been too long since I provided content. I want this blog to be successful. I want to be able to survive off of the fact that I am a human being, just like everyone else, and that none of us should be forced to engage in a world that we don’t want to.

Here I am, check back later today for a personal status update, and every day moving forward because I’m back to my Daily Musings, and I’m making a better effort to not stop this time.