Soft Launch: Red Hoodie Games

Hello world!

Today I’ve made publicly available the services of Red Hoodie Games, a business I’ve started that designs and facilitates skill-building and professional development workshops conducted through role-playing games.

If you live in or around Vermont, then my services are available to you. I’ve got a cover letter I can send out which outlines the business and idea behind it in a concise manner. I also have a Curriculum that explains role-playing games, the research behind using them in this manner, my process throughout the workshops, and a summary of the pilot workshops from the summer of 2018, which includes details from participant evaluations.

I’ve worked with youth in each job I’ve had in my professional career, and one of the largest and most consistent barriers is their willingness to participate in supportive services. Getting a 14-year-old to try therapy, an 18-year-old high school drop out to learn interview skills, or teaching a 16-year-old to manage their social anxiety, are all challenges that youth service workers can face, that are commonly met with resistance or reluctance.

However, youth need to learn these skills and access supports to help them overcome their barriers in order to have a happy and successful life. Red Hoodie Games is making use of one of the most fun activities on earth, to deliver meaningful and invaluable content, that is founded in research-based evidence to contribute to positive growth.

If any of this interests you, or would be interesting to someone you know, feel free to contact me to talk about Red Hoodie Games, the research behind it, our services, or any other related topics.

I’ve seen this method work firsthand, and the change that is visible in participants across the sessions is awesome to witness. I’ve worked with youth who are so paralyzed by their anxiety they spend the first session staring at their sheet, rolling dice when told to, and not participating in team decisions. Two or three sessions later, they’re yelling at the barbarian for running into the cave without warning, and joking with the wizard about the best way to use a length of rope to set a trap.

Games have an incredible power to bring people together in ways that few other things can. They also have such versatility, that a skilled facilitator can cover any number of subjects with the right planning and adventure design. It’s this fantastic marriage of observational evidence, researched evidence, and a gamified framework that has spawned Red Hoodie Games.

I look forward to connecting with anyone interested in my services.

Thank you, and game on.