
It’s been over a year since my last post… Some blogger I turned out to be. Oh well. Gotta start somewhere right? I started running last year and quickly decided I wasn’t going to finish so I just quit. Once again, my biggest barrier to me accomplishing things is myself. Please allow me to try again.

This time, I’d like to talk about beginnings. I’ve constantly struggled with making impulsive, decisive, well, decisions. It’s been a lifelong thing for me, more or less. In school it was starting papers or projects that I struggled with. At work, it’s reaching out to a client and actually starting work with someone new. Personally, my list of projects and ambitions grows while my list of things I’ve completed remains untouched, and at this point should really just be called the list of things I’ve even started.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to put in effort to reach the things I want. Conceptually I totally understand, but from a developmental standpoint it was likely my spoiled childhood that let me to not really work for the things I have, which I’ve been changing since I’ve entered adulthood.

Essentially, I want to ask you to do something. What something you may ask? Anything. If I’ve learned anything about myself it’s that when I have an idea, I need to run with it, else I will lose it and will only look back a month later and realized what I’ve missed out on. If you have something you’re waiting to start, or an idea that you want to run with and develop, then DO IT!

I’ve started up this blog again a year after what I viewed (and after re-reading still view) as a perfect intro and setup for what I’m trying to do here. I hope to be fairly regular, posting at least once if not twice weekly. I hope to teach what I can, learn what I can, and ultimately start to sway the breadth of wisdom in the world towards greater limits.

Thank you, now go and do something.