Toss and turnfor sleep I yearnthough I am wracked with fears. I used to believein the monsters under my bedin…
Personal Update: Falling From The Mountaintop
Thanksgiving was, and is excellent. It was the pinnacle of the year, where I gathered to see friends and family,…
Daily Musing: Thanksgiving
Good Morning, and Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and I’ll tell you why. It isn’t about…
Daily Musing: Healthcare And Peace Of Mind
Good Morning. Post is coming a little late this morning because I had a dentist appointment. Again, I’m not sponsored…
Poems: Sober and Sleepless & Sober October 2019
Good Morning. Just a quick author’s note, these two poems were written over a month ago on October 6th. The…
Poem: The Grindstone
A grindstone, meant to sharpenblades of oldbut now, it’s just a saying. Interesting nonetheless,how we tell people to burn themselves…
Personal Update: Re-Entrance To Hell
It’s morning. I don’t think I’ll be able to pay all my bills for December. I might, but then I’ll…
Daily Musing: Plant-Based Diets
Good Morning. Much to my surprise, I’ve eaten vegetarian for the past four days, and if you know me, this…
Personal Update: Tuesday, November 19th 2019
Good Afternoon. I don’t have a specific topic to write on today. I’ve got a lot of a little roaming…
Daily Musing: On Love
Good Morning. It’s a new day, a new week, a new arbitrary universal concept, but I’m still the same. Mostly.…
Daily Musing: Happy Friday
Good Morning. Firstly, happy Friday. For many people, this is the end of a working week, and the beginning of…
Poem: Updraft
When flying once upon a morn,a jay passed overhead.It said to me, I could’ve sworn,“Keep it up, your head.” And…
Daily Musing: Emotional Writing
Good Afternoon. I spent the morning taking a long, and well needed shower, and then cleaning around the bathroom. My…
Personal Update: Moving The Blog
Good Morning. I’ve been able to get a subdomain on my father’s/family website www(dot)skoda(dot)com. That being said, I’m spending my…
Poem: Am I, A Writer?
When the green grass which grows, is first covered by snows, and those who whine, retire in for a time,…