Good Morning!
I’m happy to finally announce something new I’ve been preparing for for a while now, another web series/talk show with my dad where we talk about Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs).
For a few months now, whenever I’m browsing different TTRPG subreddits, there is almost always someone posting with a situation like this: “Hi, my friends and I all finally decided to start playing D&D/GURPS/Vampire/etc. and everyone suggested that I should be the DM. Any tips for a beginner? Where do I even start preparing? What can I do to make sure my players have fun?”
Tabletop gaming in general has seen an uptick in popularity over the past few years thanks to a handful of pop culture references, and with the release of 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons, along with a few incredibly popular streams and YouTube channels, more and more people are getting into the hobby of TTRPGs.
There’s plenty of basic “how to play” tutorials you can find, as well as a plethora of new player and new Game Master/Dungeon Master tips scattered across the web, but we wanted to contribute in a way that I hadn’t been able to find yet. A consistent show to talk about starting off, and continuing to develop and run awesome adventures at your own table.
So that’s what we plan to do. We’ll talk about our qualifications and experiences on the show, so if you’re curious and interested tune in for the start of the live show. Alternatively, I do plan to upload episodes both to YouTube, and to Podcast format.
Episode 1 will be recorded live tonight, at, at 5pm EST, with myself, and my co-host, my dad Jack. We’ll introduce ourselves, the show, talk about who we are to be talking about such things, and dive right into your session zero, what it is, what you need, and what to expect.
We hope to see you there!