Personal Update: Content Creation Efforts

I’ve spent a lot of time recently working on having content creation be somewhat regular, and expanding what I’m doing.

I’m writing for my personal blog, I’ve tried game streaming on Twitch and Mixer, I’ve been putting off writing for the Red Hoodie Games blog since no one was reading it, but since I plugged it in my latest endeavor (Web Show mentioned below) I’m going to try to start that up again.

I’m trying to turn one of my old tabletop RPG campaigns into a novel, and maybe eventually into a full-length module. I’m writing a lot for my fantasy universe of Ados, so that can one day become a full-length campaign setting guide.

Callie and I started a new original Web Show called Gaming With Girlfriend, and I’m doing the prep for that as well as all the post-live-show editing. I mentioned that last week, and if you missed the live show, you can watch Episode 1 on YouTube, which is the first time I’ve ever prepared and uploaded something for that platform. Episode 1 viewable here. I’m also trying to prepare this show for publication to podcast format, hopefully within the week.

I’m constantly writing more for the full-length adventure module, since that’s the adventure my weekly Dungeons and Dragons group is playing. I’ve thought of live streaming the group, and uploading that to YouTube as well, but we don’t have the presentation for it as a group. Maybe I shouldn’t mind and do that anyway, but would you watch it or listen to it? Please let me know if you would.

I’m compiling my poetry, and adding to the collection weekly as I’ve been trying to write more poetry on my personal blog. That seems to be what generates the most interest, and while the tone is often negative or unhappy, I’ve had people reach out who’ve identified with it, and I like that perhaps I can help people feel less alone. I certainly do when people contact me about it.

I’m trying.

I’m not sitting around all day doing nothing, like most people probably think about someone who is not “traditionally employed”. Although I’ve applied to a few jobs recently because I need an income. I guess I’m both glad and sad that I haven’t heard back yet, but I’ll follow up tomorrow. The worst part is feeling like I won’t have time or energy to keep doing what I love.

Obviously I haven’t given up. I’ve had a few people tell me they like reading what I write, and that I should keep doing it, so here I am, still doing it. That must mean they’ve given me some sliver of hope, and apparently that’s enough.

I woke up this morning feeling more down than I have lately, and started drafting a poem in my head, but like most creative ideas I have if I don’t get it down on paper (or at least a sticky note, which our coffee table is littered with) then it escapes from me. Even though I’m not writing a poem, writing all of this has helped. I’m making an effort, however feeble it may be.

The sinking feeling returns when I remember I haven’t made a penny on any of this, and despite my effort, it isn’t enough to keep me going. I’ve been putting off making a Patreon for a while since I’ve been waiting to start the holding company to have all my ideas be in one place, and while I don’t understand all the necessary business mumbo-jumbo, I’ve gone ahead and finally started one anyway.

If you’ve been following me for some time, and want to offer some support, please visit my new Patreon,

Thank you to anyone who reads what I write.