Moving Some Content

Hello, if you’ve read, liked, or followed, any of my work then thank you. I write this blog with hopes that it spreads, and it’s nice to see a few people interested in some pieces here and there.

I write a lot. Not necessarily many pages, but I write little bits of things very frequently. My desk is littered with sticky notes with everything from boss encounter designs, character concepts, to timelines and historical events. I’ve got some real world content, and lots of fantasy world content, and I realized it would be better to keep some of the content a little more separated.

I imagine that people who want to read “real-world” stuff likely aren’t as invested in fantasy world stuff, but I won’t make assumptions. I’m going to to my best to keep my content on my personal blog, well personal. Write about opinions I have, observations, research, psychology, and whatever else.

Nearly all of my game-related content, I will write and publish at the Red Hoodie Games blog found here:

If you’re interested in game based content like character concepts, DM tips, dungeon design and more, please check out Red Hoodie Games. If you’re here to read about how I think the world is suuuuuuuuper messed up, please stick around.
