Good evening.
At midnight this morning, Sober October ended, and the long day began. Turns out, I didn’t go to sleep any earlier, so I slept my morning away, and when I awoke, I didn’t have power.
The wind was pretty intense last night and this morning, about a four on the Beaufort Scale. So I mulled about a little, read a short while, and napped. When I awoke by an alarm I set, I had power, so I showered and made a grocery list, and left.
I had a meeting before I could go to the store, a guest appearance more like, for my business Red Hoodie Games. I got to speak at a teen center tabletop role-playing game group to both players and the DM of their game. It was a good experience. I’m a bad businessman and didn’t charge for it, but since I wasn’t running the game, and the DM didn’t seem to want much in the way of suggestions I didn’t feel right even mentioning it.
I fucking missed pumpkin beer and I don’t care who knows it. Leinenkugels’s makes my favorite one, and being able to drink slower and not want to drink to just drown my stress, really helps me enjoy the beer too. Being high doesn’t suck either, and since I’m not waiting until midnight tonight, perhaps I’ll be sleepy in a few hours and get to sleep earlier.
I usually don’t like sleeping in our bedroom alone when my girlfriend is away, but I may this weekend if I continue to be unable to sleep in the living room. It’s nice hanging out with our cat Westley a lot though, he seems to enjoy the attention, though he may be one of the factors disturbing my sleep.
It’s also BlizzCon if anyone follows Blizzard games. I’m aware of the Hearthstone debacle and am not gonna talk about that here. I quit WoW a few years ago because I just couldn’t handle the way they disgraced their own lore. I play a little StarCraft here and there but I feel like it takes a lot out of me to play well. So I play mostly Heroes of the Storm, but I do love watching the StartCraft finals so that’s what I’m up to tonight.
I may write this weekend, I’m feeling a little more inspired, and since today’s post is late, and I may start giving my ideas a little more effort soon, it’s a good idea.
I hope everyone has a nice night.
I think I’m glad it’s November.
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