Personal Update: I Don’t Like Being “Human”

I don’t want to be a part of this race.

It’s despicable to me that some people think that all children shouldn’t have free access to food in school. It’s outrageous, and inhuman, for one human to think that any other human anywhere shouldn’t have access to food no matter who they are.

We all need food, water, and shelter. That is a biological fact. We should all have free access to it. If you don’t think so, you don’t deserve to be human. But you are. And so am I. And I don’t want anything to do with the likes of you.

It’s not everyday, but today I don’t want to be human. I don’t like eating, sleeping, breathing, thinking that I share anything in common with people who actually want suffering to exist.

Why? Why the actual fuck do you think suffering is good for anyone? Do you think it teaches them a lesson? Not effectively. If that’s how you learned, then that sucks for you, but we know thanks to psychology that’s a garbage way to teach lessons, and it probably didn’t feel good for you, so why do you want that for other people?

Do you think you should have to work hard for the things you have? You only think that because that’s what you’ve been told your whole life. That’s what you did, so you want every other human to go through the same pain you had to. It’s the idea of revenge which I’ve talked about before as being entirely contrary to actually progressing as a race.  Also, again, just because you had to do something hard in your life does not mean that anyone else has to. If human beings were smarter, no one would have to.

There are enough resources on planet Earth to provide every single human being alive with food, water, and shelter, and that isn’t a major goal of any world leaders.

Fuck popularity contests for world leaders, fuck education systems that don’t teach human beings how to be human beings, fuck you if you think that suffering is okay. We have all the means and tools to stop it and willingly choose not to. I don’t want to be a part of a group that does that.

I don’t want to be human anymore.