Zero days.
A zero day is a day when you fail to accomplish goals set, or rather fail to accomplish much of anything. I’d imagine that it happens to everyone, but as aforementioned in a previous post I’ll avoid a blanket statement like that.
If you’ve had one, you know what I’m talking about. A day when all the life and willpower has been drained by forces that act mostly unseen but not entirely unnoticed. For me it’s likely brain chemistry, and I’ve had enough zero days and non-zero days, one-days? Won days? I like that. Anyways, I know what I feel like when I think, or know I’ll have a zero day. I only have a short time to act, and often on days when I have other things to do like work, I don’t bother. Other days, like this day, when I’m still on break, I woke up in a mood like standing on a knife’s edge overlooking a perilous fall to my doom on one side, and a 40-ft. wacky fun slip and slide down to a lakeside cabin on the other side.
I got up from bed, and got to work. I played a littleĀ Starborne, which is starting to feel a little like work, but I’ve got a good stake in it so I’m not quitting. Then, I started this post, and immediately switched gears and started writing for RHG, and working on a map for a location in the campaign. I started with a burst of energy that got me nearly done one of the sections I was working on, and as I drew closer to finishing it, I felt the dread creep back in and I wondered why.
I had left this unfinished, which, if I haven’t done it, that means I’ve not done it, and if not winning, then zero. Being objective helped me prioritize, and come back to finish this piece before returning to other goals for the day. I’ve already done something, so I’ll move forward with what motivation I’ve got and when I haven’t got any left, I’ll know it’s time to do other unfavorable tasks, or chores if you will. I think I’ve got something of a circadian rhythm for happiness, and if I can buy into that a little, I might be better off.
This is a total shot in the dark, but I think it’s one possible explanation for zero days, which would offer me a solution. So, when I feel out of motivation, I’ll do something like wash the dishes in the sink that are leering at me…and it will be unpleasant, but at least I’m doing something lame while I’m feeling lame, then hopefully, I can do something favorable and feel better in the long run, and get more done. Sounds like a win-win.
So zero days huh? Not great. Setting goals hasn’t helped me actually accomplish them, although having a clear idea about what to do when I can is good. I can almost always put something into RHG while I’m sitting around, but I make up lame excuses like I don’t want to sit up, or it doesn’t feel like an office enough, and I feel like I don’t like mixing my work and my play space. Writing it out, I realize that it’s nonsense, but I listen when I tell myself that and I feel down.
Knowing is half the battle, so at least I’m halfway there. Now I have to do the hard part, which is acting on it. Well, here I am, I did it, and I’m going to get some other things done today. I feel better just thinking about it.
Today isn’t a zero day, it’s a won day.